Adam Crowley | Latitudes

Adam Crowley | Latitudes
PiN: How long does Latitudes exist and introduce every Bandmember!

Adam Crowley: We’ve been a band for roughly 5 years. Mike Davies – Drums, Jon Lyon – Bass, Rich Harper – Keys, Tim Blyth – Guitar, and myself, Adam Crowley – Guitar.

PiN: What is the biggest Inspiration to your songwriting and the Music?

Adam Crowley: One of the biggest advances in our music over the past couple of years has been our musicianship. Especially in the writing of our most recent material we are constantly challenging each other to progress as players. So in that respect we inspire each other. I’d imagine we’re all inspired indirectly by our personal lives aswell. Playing in a band is a very good way to channel energy, whether that be negative energy, when work is bad and you are broke, or you’re feeling great and everything is coming together.

PiN: What do you think about Postrock?

Adam Crowley: I like Godspeed You! Black Emporer, particularly the ‚Slow Riot…‘ EP, and also some of the earlier Mogwai stuff. I would consider us to be a metal band, although in our formative stages we took influence from bands like Cult Of Luna and Mono, aswell as those mentione.

PiN: Name me five essential Albums?

Adam Crowley: Metallica – Master Of Puppets
Envy – All The Footprints You’ve Ever Left and The Fear Expecting ahead
Neurosis – Times Of Grace
Yes – Close to the Edge
Krallice – Diotima


Adam Crowley: Neurosis, definetly. Isis ‚Oceanic‘ is great, ‚Celestial‘ and ‚Panopticon‘ are both good albums, but Neurosis are one of the few bands that we all more or less agree on. I got into them when I was 16 when I heard ‚Souls at Zero‘, I’ve been a massive fan ever since.

PiN: You are writing a new album! What is your Ambition? Tell me something about the Process during writing, rehearsal and recording?

Adam Crowley: Our main objective is to ensure that our next album is vastly superior to ‚Agonist‘. We have been writing solidly ever since ‚Agonist‘ was recorded, and if we’d kept all that material we’d have enough for three albums. However, we want the new one to be MONUMENTAL so we end up throwing away a lot of material. Probably too much. In terms of the writing process, generally one person will have an idea they’ve been working on at home, and they’ll come to practice with a rough plan of how they want the idea to progress, and then it will become a collaborative process between all of us. Sometimes a song will come together within weeks, often it takes longer. We are working on one song that has been in the pipeline for about 18 months in my reckoning, although its almost done now. By the time we’re ready to record we’ll be super tight. We like to be as efficent as possible, although we’re open to new ideas right up until the recording.

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Von Veröffentlicht am: 18.10.2011Zuletzt bearbeitet: 01.02.2019493 WörterLesedauer 2,5 MinAnsichten: 922Kategorien: InterviewsSchlagwörter: , , 0 Kommentare on Adam Crowley | Latitudes
Von |Veröffentlicht am: 18.10.2011|Zuletzt bearbeitet: 01.02.2019|493 Wörter|Lesedauer 2,5 Min|Ansichten: 922|Kategorien: Interviews|Schlagwörter: , , |0 Kommentare on Adam Crowley | Latitudes|

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