Kim Baxter im Interview

Kim Baxter im Interview

Wir haben Kim Baxter während ihrer von uns präsentierten Europatour ein paar Fragen gestellt.

PiN: What makes the difference between your music with the All Girls Summer Fun Band and your new album?

I think my solo music is a little more rocking and the song structure is a little more worked out. But I tried to keep the upbeat feel of songs I’ve written in the past.

PiN: What was your decision to release an album on your own?

Once we finished recording the album, we were so excited about having it out that we decided to just put it out ourselves digitally and on CD. It just seemed like the best thing to do at the time. I was then really excited when Niels at Expect Candy offered to release it on vinyl.

PiN: You seem to like accesoires from the 60’s as mentioned in the review. Where does that come from?

I do like 60’s design. I like the the clean lines, cool colors, and simple design. I used to love going to mid century antique stores when I was younger and I was always drawn to that type of design.

PiN: Are your idols mainly female or is music something absolutely asexual for you?

I have both female and male idols. Although when I was in high school and starting to play in bands, most of my music role models were females. It was encouraging to see other females playing music and being strong and creative. It helped encourage me to be confident in my song writing without worrying if I was fitting into any kind of mold.

PiN: Your tour dates are mainly around Germany. Do you have any connections to Germany?

Niels at Expect Candy Records/Selma Travels booked the All Girl Summer Fun Band European tour in 2005. We stayed in touch this whole time and I always knew that I wanted to work with him again. We have other friends in Germany and I was super excited to get back here.

PiN: And finally: What are your future plans?

We have already started writing new songs for a new album. We have a few shows set up in Portland when we get back. And since summer is just around the corner, I am planning on spending a lot of time at the pool with my son relaxing and eating snow cones.

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Von Veröffentlicht am: 16.04.2013Zuletzt bearbeitet: 02.12.2018400 WörterLesedauer 2 MinAnsichten: 906Kategorien: InterviewsSchlagwörter: , 0 Kommentare on Kim Baxter im Interview
Von |Veröffentlicht am: 16.04.2013|Zuletzt bearbeitet: 02.12.2018|400 Wörter|Lesedauer 2 Min|Ansichten: 906|Kategorien: Interviews|Schlagwörter: , |0 Kommentare on Kim Baxter im Interview|

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