Steven Wilson – A Limited Edition of One (Gebundene Ausgabe/Englisch) (17.05.2022)


Kategorien: Schlagwörter: SKU: 78976

Limited Edition of One is unlike any other music book you will ever have read.

Part the long-awaited memoir of Steven Wilson: whose celebrated band Porcupine Tree began as teenage fiction before unintentionally evolving into a reality that encompassed Grammy-nominated records and sold-out shows around the world, before he set out for an even more successful solo career.

Part the story of a twenty-first century artist who achieved chart-topping mainstream success without ever becoming part of the mainstream. From Abba to Stockhausen, via a collection of conversations and thought pieces on the art of listening, the rules of collaboration, lists of lists, personal stories, professional adventurism (including food, film, TV, modern art), old school rock stardom, how to negotiate an obsessive fanbase and survive on social media, and dream-fever storytelling.


The more I thought about it, the more I realised my career has been unusual. How did I manage to do everything wrong but still end up on the front cover of magazines, headlining world tours and achieving Top 5 albums? How did I attract such obsessive and fanatical fans, many of whom take everything I do or say very personally, which is simultaneously flattering but can also be tremendously frustrating? Even this I somehow cultivated without somehow meaning to. My accidental career.

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320 Seiten





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Veröffentlicht am: 03.02.2022Zuletzt bearbeitet: 03.02.202282 WörterLesedauer 0,4 MinAnsichten: 807Kategorien: Schlagwörter: 0 Kommentare on Steven Wilson – A Limited Edition of One (Gebundene Ausgabe/Englisch) (17.05.2022)
Veröffentlicht am: 03.02.2022|Zuletzt bearbeitet: 03.02.2022|82 Wörter|Lesedauer 0,4 Min|Ansichten: 807|Kategorien: |Schlagwörter: |0 Kommentare on Steven Wilson – A Limited Edition of One (Gebundene Ausgabe/Englisch) (17.05.2022)|

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