All Them Witches – Nothing As The Ideal (Deluxe Picture) (04.09.2020)


Kategorien: Schlagwörter:

Am 27. Februar machte sich die Band ALL THEM WITCHES auf nach London um ihr Album in den Abbey Road Studios aufzunehmen.


Gitarrist und Sänger McLeod beschreibt die Zeit in den legendären Studios wie folgt: It was incredible. We have a studio south of Nashville, and it’s an amazing sounding space, but it just wasn’t the right time to record this record there. I decided that I wanted to do another album with Mikey Allred, who produced and engineered and mixed Dying Surfer Meets His Maker. We started writing more in January and February, and Mikey and I were talking one day and we both just came up with the Abbey Road idea. Robbie and [bassist Michael] Parks were totally on board, and something like later that afternoon, we booked our dates.”

Auch bei den erfahrenen All Them Witches löste das legendäre Studio etwas besonderes aus wie McLeod fortfährt: I walked in and it was like one of those out of body experiences. Robby got there like an hour before I did and he looked at me and was like, Dude, I almost cried three times. It’s a huge room, and the vibe isn’t in the vintage microphones that the Beatles used, it’s not in any of the gear, the old compressors and all that stuff you go there because the room sounds good. For me, that was the icing on the cake. This studio actually just sounds amazing.

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Veröffentlicht am: 05.08.2020Zuletzt bearbeitet: 05.08.2020230 WörterLesedauer 1,2 MinAnsichten: 1207Kategorien: Schlagwörter: 0 Kommentare on All Them Witches – Nothing As The Ideal (Deluxe Picture) (04.09.2020)
Veröffentlicht am: 05.08.2020|Zuletzt bearbeitet: 05.08.2020|230 Wörter|Lesedauer 1,2 Min|Ansichten: 1207|Kategorien: |Schlagwörter: |0 Kommentare on All Them Witches – Nothing As The Ideal (Deluxe Picture) (04.09.2020)|

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